Strona główna » Jurassic Olsztyn » Interesting facts about geology
Karst water-filled doline in Kusięta, photo by M. Szelest
Geological history of the Olsztyn region is stored in numerous fossils of the inhabitants of a prehistoric shallow tropical sea and limestone monadnocks forming on the seabed. The seawaters aboundend in poriferans, anthozoa, brachiopods, ammonites, belemnites, mosasaurs, ichtyosaurs and plesiosauria.
Entrance to one of the caves in Olsztyn Commune, photo: Olsztyn Commune archive
Near the railway station in Kusięta there are two unique geological phenomena, untypical of Poland. One of them is a water-filled doline - a natural depression filled with water, which was formed when impereable sediment at the bottom of a sinkhole became thick enough to stop water from percolating. The other of the two karst phenomena is a sinkhole system. This is a cluster of sinkholes connected together, which is 300 m in width and 300 m in length. The very fact that the water-filled doline and the sinkhole system are situated along the same line suggests that there might be a cave system somewhere close to the surface.
Ruchomą szopkę olsztyńską Jan Wewiór rzeźbił przez 15 lat, ale dzieło to nadal nie jest w pełni ukończone, gdyż autor "Beltejemowa pod strzechą" ...dalej